Pride Community Center, Inc is honored to be a participant in and affiliated with the following organizations.

Centerlink is a community of LGBTQ+ Centers comprised of over 250 LGBTQ Community Centers across 45 states, Puerto Rico and District of Columbia. The network is also comprised of international centers.
Arts Council of the Brazos Valley

Beginning of February 2020 the Arts Council of the Brazos Valley accepted Pride Community Center as an affiliate organizations in the them of “History and Culture” affiliate membership with the Arts Council of the Brazos Valley brings to bear tools that Pride Community Center did not previously have
See our listing at:
Brazos Valley Coalition for the Homeless

“The Brazos Valley Coalition for the Homeless is a regional network of organizations, individuals, and agencies whose mission is to work toward ending homelessness in the Brazos Valley”
According to True Colors United, up to 40% of homeless youth are LGBTQ+. Pride Community Center is committed to addressing homelessness as good stewards of our community and as standing up for LGBTQ+ Youth

Community Partnership Board

Community Partnership Board Description
“Utilizing federal, state and local revenues, the mission of the CPB is to provide opportunities for collaborative efforts among agencies that serve children and families from diverse backgrounds. Through comprehensive collaboration, the CPB will encourage and strengthen family bonds by preventing duplication of services, and coordinating resources to ensure quality multi-cultural programming for all families.”