National Transgender HIV Testing Day

Pride Community Center for the Brazos Valley has joined with,, the Center for Excellence in Transgender Health, and others to bring awareness of the need for testing of Transgender family and community today, April 18th, 2020.


  • “One in two transgender individuals are sexually abused or assaulted at some point in their lives. Some reports estimate that transgender survivors may experience rates of sexual assault up to 66 percent, often coupled with physical assaults or abuse. This indicates that the majority of transgender individuals are living with the aftermath of trauma and the fear of possible repeat victimization.” –
  • Often Transgender People are often misrepresented in statistics on HIV/AIDS infection rates, misgendered in case references, etc. Transgender Women are often listed as “MSM” or “Men who have sex with men” which undercuts the identity of such individuals and creates a barrier to real data for advocates and health care practioners to help and intervene.
  • Because transgender people too often do not go to healthcare practitioners because of a history of abuse, mistreatment, and lack of respect
  • Because for far too many of us, employment discrimination locates us within survival economies to get by such as sex work.
  • ……and many other reasons

Video – Chandi Moore

How can I help?

Help us raise some awareness, below are some resources and graphics for you to share on social media.

What would be most helpful is if you would download the pdf of “I support Transgender HIV Testing Day”, write boldly in marker why you do, and post on social media your picture and encourage others to do so.
Please use the following tags when posting to social media
#NTHTD #TransHIV #StopHIVTogether #HIV


Social Media Graphics