Youth sports are for all kids!
Transgender, nonbinary, and intersex youth deserve the same opportunities as their peers: to belong, to grow, and to thrive. H.R. 28 isn’t about protecting women and girls—it’s a thinly veiled attack on our most vulnerable youth and a direct threat to civil rights.
The Pride Community Center has joined more than 640 organizations in opposing this harmful legislation. We urge our followers to take action: let your representatives and senators know that inclusion matters and discrimination has no place in our schools or communities.
Reject H.R. 28. Defend civil rights. Celebrate diversity.
Take a stand today! Contact your federal representatives and make your voice heard.
Find Your Representative | house.gov

Urgent Update:
Send a strong message to your Senators today demanding they protect trans and intersex youth who want to play sports!!!
Hello friends,
Unfortunately H.R. 28 passed the House today is heading to the Senate as S. 9.
H.R. 28/S. 9, the so-called “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2025” would rewrite Title IX – the national law protecting students against sex discrimination – to ban transgender and intersex girls and women from participating in sports at federally funded schools and universities.
- Academic research affirms that transgender women do not have any inherent advantage in sport and in fact may suffer from specific athletic disadvantages.
- S.9 would prohibit transgender and intersex women and girls across the country from accessing the proven social, mental, and physical benefits of sport.
- This bill not only excludes kids from an important aspect of many youths’ educations, but makes them targets of hate and harassment by peers, educators, and parents.
- Instead of providing for equal facilities, equipment, and travel, or any other strategy that women athletes have been pushing for for decades, the bill cynically veils an attack on transgender people as a question of athletics policy.